December 26th from 1:30 to 2:00 pm meet at Caribu Coffee Shoppe attached to Joseph Beth Books near the Hot Metal St. Bridge and Carson St. We will be walking two blocks from there to South Side Works Movie Theatre to see "I AM LEGEND." It starts at 2:25 and you must make before the movie starts or you will have to buy your own ticket. You can call Kelly Tuma (412-247-6372) or Lloyd Woodward (412-861-6757) to let us know that you will be coming.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
We're going to the movies!
December 26th from 1:30 to 2:00 pm meet at Caribu Coffee Shoppe attached to Joseph Beth Books near the Hot Metal St. Bridge and Carson St. We will be walking two blocks from there to South Side Works Movie Theatre to see "I AM LEGEND." It starts at 2:25 and you must make before the movie starts or you will have to buy your own ticket. You can call Kelly Tuma (412-247-6372) or Lloyd Woodward (412-861-6757) to let us know that you will be coming.
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
11:00 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Next Meeting
Due to icy weather on Sunday December 16, coffee was cancelled. We have rescheduled an activity for December 26, 2007 in the afternoon. It is a Wednesday, but no one will be in school for holiday vacation. We have been given a donation by a parent from the Parent Survival Skills Training and are able to attend a matinee movie. There are two options: The Golden Compass or I Am Legend. Call Kelly at 412-247-6372 by Friday December 21 with your preference. This will determine which movie and the meeting time. We will see the movie in the South Side Works.
Posted by
8:57 AM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I will try to put some other pictures down here later in the click more section. Bear with me, I'm just learning how to do this.
Read More......
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
12:19 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Help! CHN to speak at the AIU West School on October 30th
When: October 30th at 10:30 AM
Where: 19 May Avenue, McKeesport, PA 15136
Who can go: Any club member with significant clean time, and ok from thier sponsor, and/ or a strong desire to speak about what they have been though is welcome
What do I do if I want to come and speak: Call Lloyd Woodward at 412-861-6757.
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
3:40 PM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Penguin night rocks! Thank you Tickets For Kids!
Here are some pictures from out Tickets for Kids 10-17-07 game. Ok, we lost- but this was one of the most exciting games ever!
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
5:59 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Short notice: we have ten Penguins Tickets for tonight.
Stay tuned to this page for pictures as of tomorrow!
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
8:18 AM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Two teens speak at Juvenile Court Week
Three volunteers from CHN helped out during Juvenile Court Week. One helped manage the set up and two others spoke on the topic of Binge Drinking to approximately 700 school aged youth who visited Juvenile Court as a field trip. Much credit should go to these two brave teenagers...
The buzz in hallways was that our presentation was the one not to miss and these outstanding vounteers shared details of their tragic experince with alcohol to ten different courtrooms full of students.
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
7:06 AM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
No tickets for 10-6-07 Hockey :-(
We were under the impression that a large parcel of tickets to the Penquins Game would come to Juvenile Court and that CHN would get 12 or more of those. Sorry, Tickets for Kids has no Penquins Hockey Tickets for Juvenile Court.
We are trying to get hocky ticktes still, but if we do, it will not be for October 6th. Stay tuned for more...
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
6:35 AM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
CHN joins Reality Tour at the County Jail
This eye-opening public service includes a walk though parts of the Allegheny County Jail.
Five youth and three parents attended. At the end, two of our CHN shared about their experience with drugs and out-of-home placement. They also answered many questions from the group.
The sights and smells of the jail make it a scary place. We see real people in the intake department waiting to be processed. Sometime the prisoners approach the glass window and bang on it demanding attention from our group walking by. Some of them look horrible, perhaps in withdrawal from drugs or alcohol- or perhaps still intoxicated.
This picture captures the hazy quality outside the jail. It is as though we are about to enter the Twilight Zone.
Our two speakers at the end. One of our speakers not only shared his painful experience with drugs, but he reached out to parents in the group- telling them that by having him arrested and sent away- his mother probably saved his life. Since his mother was in the group- she received a big ovation from the audience. After the presentation, Doctor Bernacki invited her to speak next month along with her son. She has gladly accepted the invitation.
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
8:59 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
Gateway Breakfast with Legislators
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
9:15 AM
Monday, August 27, 2007
Thanks Steelers for a memorable night!
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
4:58 AM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Coffee House Nation Teen volunteers at Abraxas on 8-24-07.
Brent has turned his life around. He is very committed to his 12-step program. Brent told the teens at Abraxas that when he was sitting where they are sitting, he was not ready to change. For example , he called old friends on his home pass when he knew that was the wrong thing to do. Teens sometimes will listen to other teens who have been though it and know what they are talking about.
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
8:32 PM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The Steeler organization has donated 20 pre-season Steeler Tickets for this Sunday- August 26th! This happened though a new Advisory Board Member's contacts. The board hasn't even met yet and already something close to a miracle has happened! UPDATE: We have all 20 ticktes spoken for. PLAN: Meet any time after 3:00 PM outside the main gate, which is A Gate. Call Lloyd's cell at 412-861-6757. Some one will meet you there. Two of us will park at the stadium and with the help of a parent volunteer we will have hamburgers, hotdogs, fruit salad, chips, pop football and frisbee. We will gather for some light festivities before the game and maybe throw a football or frisbee.
Call Lloyd ASAP (412-861-6757) if you can go. These tickets will not last. The game is at 8:00 PM this Sunday night and we will be meeting around 7:00 PM. Not sure where we are meeting yet. Stay tuned to this blog for more information.
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
9:42 AM
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Four seats for A Breakfast with Legislators at the Marriott!
September 14th, a Friday, Gateway is hoasting a Breakfast with Legislators held at the Marriott (airport). It is from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM. I can take three clubmembers.
It is not the kind of thing teens usually do, but then again, it is a chance to be exposed to politics, listen to our congressman, and eat breakfast at the Marrriott. I have had interest expressed by several so let me know for sure if you are in on this one by leaving a comment or by calling me at 412-861-6757.
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
7:43 AM
Thanks DJ Zimmie and WYEP!
Great workshop! For two hours DJ Zimmie and Stephen from WYEP answered questions and showed each participant how to mix two songs together! Stephen Bontrager from WYEP was a great hoast and made us feel very welcome.
WYEP is providing a great resource to the community. They have a group of teens that meet every wednesday from 3:00 to 5:00 PM in a Journalism class. Stephen offered to have any of our club members who are interested join WYEP's ongoing "FreeZone" workshops for high school students. The FreeZone workshops usually focus on journalism.
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
5:37 AM
Sunday Tom's Diner Shot (8-5-07)
Type rest of the post here
We have people reserving on the Hockey Tickets (10-4-07) and on the breakfast with Dr. Twerski 11-11-07). If you want to go- make sure you reserve as soon as possible.
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Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
4:39 AM
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Four Tickets to WYEP DJ/ Turntable Workshop for 8-8-07!
I think these are all spoken for- however, if you are interested let me know today so that I can try to squeeze you in on this unique opportunity. 412-861-6757 (Lloyd).
91.3fm WYEP is pleased to present a DJ/Turntable workshop at the WYEP> Community Broadcast Center on the South Side from 3-5 pm on Wednesday,> August> 8th. Guest presenter DJ Zimmie (of tinyGIANT and the Pittsburgh/East> Coast> club scene) will lead a hands-on demonstration for high school> students,> showing how to mix vinyl, use the tables, select music for the club> scene and> more. The workshop is part of WYEP's ongoing "FreeZone" workshops for> high> school students, and is free and open to Allegheny County high school> students.
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
4:08 AM
Monday, August 6, 2007
Nine Tickets to the 16th Annual Recovery Breakfast!
It's confirmed. We have been awarded Nine tickets for the Sixthteenth Annual Recovery Breakfast, Sunday, November 11, 2007 10:00a-12:30p
Featuring great food and excellent inspiration from Dr. Abraham J. Twerski as keynote speaker. The location is Sheraton Inn North, Mars, PA 16046.
Now is the time to reserve your ticket. This will be a bit of a dress-up event for us. So put your nicest clothes on for this one as a show of respect for Dr. Twerski and for Gateway!
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
4:28 PM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Dear Coffee House Nation- from Doris
Dear Coffee House Nation,
I am so glad you had a great time at the game. And I was excited to view all of your wonderful pictures. Everyone looks really great. I am so proud of all of you. I'm sure Jessica was there in spirit.
Always a friend,
Mrs. Doris Crawford
"Remember, It Works If You Work It"
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
2:58 AM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
PIRATE GAME ROCKED (photos below)
Thanks Doris and Jessica for the 12 Pirate Seats! The game was exciting (we almost won) and the fireworks were fantastic. We had all 12 seats spoken for and only one person failed to show. Sitting there with that one empty seat, I couldn't help from thinking that maybe Jessica was there with us. I know I was not the only person feeling that, but it was in a good way- not a sad way.
Also thanks to Robin E. for arranging for the dontaed Permanti Brothers meal that eight of us took advantage of before the game started. It was a perfect evening to eat dinner at a sidewalk table and then walk over to the game.
I am reprinting Jessica's Poem:
Give It My All
Such a passion for life, how can I deal with this strife?
Sick of people telling me what to do, "What's wrong or what's right."
Got to find a way to relax, just to chill would be nice, but it's so hard to be calm when you stay up all night.
Such a monotonous theme, these drug dealing themes triple beam dreams only create a new set of feigns.
I don't know about you but it really ain't cute
watching somebody who's dope sick go and just puke.
It's a disgusting scam and its' sad because it only gets worse.
There's only two outcomes: Jail or up in the Hurst.
So wheter you're hustling or buying, either way you're slowly dying. So next time you make a move, picture your mom crying.
It ain't cool, life ain't fair
but that ain't any reason to stop and not care.
It's a viscous cycle like a bad song stuck on repeat.
A mind consuming disease all it does is just eat.
It eats away at your morals, kills any dreams you're pursuing.
Remember thoses things you said you'd never do?
Now just look what you're doing.
It's crazy but maybe wee can overcome this awful truth.
It's got to start somewhere; how about with the youth?
We got to start a resistance, gotta start and attack
before it keeps getting worse; newborns are dying from Crack.
Think about the bigger picture. How do you want your kids to live?
We need to stop being greedy; if you're going to take you must give.
But I can't take much more, so I'm gonna give it my all.
So for as long as I live, I know I ain't going to fall.
Written by Jessica B.
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
3:57 AM
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Who is going to July 20th Pirate Game? We have 12 tickets and 12 Pirate Hats provided by Doris.
Call Nick (412-443-0132) or contact Lloyd (312-861-6757)ASAP if you want to go. Tickets are going fast so if you can go we need to know as soon as possible.
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Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
8:34 PM
Wed. july 4th
Lloyd is inviting us to to beakfast on the 4th of July. 10:00 AM sharp. Call or email Lloyd for information. 412-861-6757 -
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Posted by
12:25 PM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
June 17th
last Sunday was a great meeting we had two new people too the group come and join us down at the bee hive.... Jim who is now a new group member and Ryan L. who use to be on probation since November of 2002 and now has a little over five years clean and was a great inspiration to all of us and had a lot to share. Along with then their was two of our regular group members and woody...... for those of you who missed it well probably be talking about it next week so ask some questions and well see you next week.............
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Posted by
11:18 AM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Thanks Doris! (and a look at upcoming events.)
We met with Doris on June 10th. She was very gracious about sharing about her loss and how Jessica felt about this group. Jessica very much looked forward to our meetings. Jessica felt that what we were doing in organizing sober fun activities was important.
Also Doris gave us 12 Tickets to the July 20th Pirate Ball game and 12 Bucs hats to put on at the game. This was a great meeting even though only two Coffee House members were present. Two parents also came. It was a nice small cozy meeting.
Of course, we would love it if more people turned out. However, we don't mandate that people come in to support our meetings and that is one way that we help insure that at any on time it is a positive peer group.
We are Planning a July 1, Sunday afternoon picinic, probably in Shenley Park. Parets welcome. Stay tuned for more details.
Free Summer Driving Camp!
Subject: Free Summer Driving Camp for Teens
June 26, 27 and 28 * Consol Energy Park
Vehicle crashes are the No. 1 killer of teenagers in America. Nearly 7,000 teens die annually in such accidents, including 214 in Pennsylvania in 2005, according to the most recent data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
In 2003, Ford Motor Company Fund, the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) and a panel of safety experts developed Driving Skills for Life (DSFL). The program focuses on hazard recognition, vehicle handling, speed management and space management -- skills necessary for safe driving and often not fully understood by new drivers. Educational information on DSFL has been provided to all area high schools and there is an exciting interactive Web site,
Ford Motor Company Fund, GHSA, KDKA-TV and Westfield Insurance are inviting more than 600 newly licensed Pittsburgh-area teens to attend Taking the Lead - Driving Skills for Life Summer Camp. These one-day camps will be held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 26, 27 and 28, at Consol Energy Park, Home to the Washington Wild Things in Washington, PA.
Posted by
Lloyd Woodward
2:25 PM
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Coffee house nation 5-20
Khalil pimpin it at the bee hive........
Posted by
10:56 AM