Saturday, August 25, 2007

Coffee House Nation Teen volunteers at Abraxas on 8-24-07.

This Coffee House Nation teenager accompanied me to Abraxas and helped interview four residents. He told the teens about his life since he left Abraxas in November of 2006.

Brent has turned his life around. He is very committed to his 12-step program. Brent told the teens at Abraxas that when he was sitting where they are sitting, he was not ready to change. For example , he called old friends on his home pass when he knew that was the wrong thing to do.
Teens sometimes will listen to other teens who have been though it and know what they are talking about.
Brent also represents hope. He likes his life now. He likes his job. He recently got a very nice apartment. He works out. He has friends. He enjoys his 12-step activities. He has people in his life that really care about him. He tells the teens that he had no clue back then of how wonderful life could be without drugs.
Brent was also able to reconnect with staff that he had worked closely with at Abraxas. He helps the Abraxas Staff (and this Probation Officer) by coming back to Abraxas to show them that their caring and hard work paid off. He inspires the Abraxas staff to continue to give their job 100 percent effort because sometimes it matters. Sometimes people really do change their lives.
And finally, Brent was able to help himself. "If you really want to learn something, teach it to someone else." (not sure who said that- someone with wisdom no doubt ;-)

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