Wednesday, December 19, 2007

We're going to the movies!

Thank you for the $100.00 contribution from PSST!
It seems to be that EVERYONE asked so far wants to see "I AM LEGEND." So, I took down the "GOLDEN COMPASS" add.

December 26th from 1:30 to 2:00 pm meet at Caribu Coffee Shoppe attached to Joseph Beth Books near the Hot Metal St. Bridge and Carson St. We will be walking two blocks from there to South Side Works Movie Theatre to see "I AM LEGEND." It starts at 2:25 and you must make before the movie starts or you will have to buy your own ticket. You can call Kelly Tuma (412-247-6372) or Lloyd Woodward (412-861-6757) to let us know that you will be coming.
After the movie we are probably going to get something to eat.

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Monday, December 17, 2007

Next Meeting

Due to icy weather on Sunday December 16, coffee was cancelled. We have rescheduled an activity for December 26, 2007 in the afternoon. It is a Wednesday, but no one will be in school for holiday vacation. We have been given a donation by a parent from the Parent Survival Skills Training and are able to attend a matinee movie. There are two options: The Golden Compass or I Am Legend. Call Kelly at 412-247-6372 by Friday December 21 with your preference. This will determine which movie and the meeting time. We will see the movie in the South Side Works.

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